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Architectural Glass Page 2 of 6

Memorial Window for the Church of all Saints, Cornard Parva in Suffolk

The three lights depict Biblical stories featuring the roles of three women. Ruth and Hannah are from the Old Testament. Mary Magdalene is from the New, and plays her part in the essential Christian story of the Resurrection.


The church dates mainly from the fourteenth century, and the style of the imagery refers to this. It incorporates and adapts figures from a range of late Gothic and early Renaissance paintings, and later works listed below. The earliest is by Duccio.


Acknowledgements: The iron glazing bars were cut and curved round Christ's halo by Ron Halls of F. J. Halls & Son, The Forge, Molehill Green, Takeley, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. CM22 6PQ


Some of the sources consulted for the design of the window:

Duccio, Maestà front, predella, 1308-1311, Christ Disputing with the Scribes

Duccio, Maestà reverse, 1308-1311, St. Peter First Denying Jesus

Taddeo di Bartolo (1362-1422), L’Assunzione in Cielo della Vergine

Fra Angelico, Noli me tangere, 1440-1441

Meister der Goldenen Tafel (vers 1420), La Résurrection

Meister der Goldenen Tafel (vers 1420), Les Saintes Femmes au Saint-Sépulcre

Giovanni di Paolo, St John the Baptist Retiring to the Desert, c 1454

Nachfolger Stefan Lochners, Le Christ et Marie Madeleine, Noli me tangere, 1450-1460

Martin Schongauer (1455-1488), Le Christ Apparaissant a Marie Madeleine

Imitator of Andrea Mantegna, Noli me tangere (1460-1550?)

Thomas Gainsborough, Mr and Mrs Andrews, c 1749

Jean-francois Millet, The Gleaners, 1857

Man Sleeping Near a Wood, engraved by Marcantonio Raimondi, date unknown, published by Adam and Charles 1892.

The Simplon, engraved by W. Miller after a drawing by J.M.W. Turner, published by Adam and Charles 1892.

Unknown Illustrator of Henry Davenport Northrop’s ‘Treasures of the Bible’, Samuel Presented to Eli, 1894

Unknown Illustrator of Henry Davenport Northrop’s ‘Treasures of the Bible’, After Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Ruth Gleaning in the Field of Boaz, 1894

Standard Bible Story Readers, Book Two, Lillie A. Faris, Standard Publishing Company, 1925, illustrated by O. A. Stemler and Bess Bruce Cleaveland, Hannah Dedicates Samuel, Biblical Art on the WWW

Marjorie Blamey, Spring Snowflake, Snowdrop, Lily of the Valley, 1974


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